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The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

Disaster and Disappointment: The 2024 Met Gala

So few blooming buds within this garden of wilted lilies

With such an easy theme to follow, it’s hard to believe that so many still missed the mark. This year, at the annual Met Gala, it followed the opening of the new Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion exhibit but also had its own similar but separate theme, The Garden of Time. Many get the dress code and the theme mixed up, so let’s go over it quickly. The theme covers the exhibit that is being opened, this year being Sleeping Beauties. Now, despite the name, no, this is not a princess theme. Rather, these are garments that can never be worn again and have to be kept in glass cases, laid down, with little light exposure to keep them from falling apart. These garments are delicate pieces that are unique and need to be protected at all times. Now the dress code is The Garden of Time. The dress code this year is based on a novel with the same title by J.G. Ballard. The dress code should have inspired guests to dress in florals, forest-like outfits, or even involve time in some way. So many of these looks left me thinking, “Boring. Sloppy. Lazy.” But there are some looks that deserve credit for actually following the dress code and going all out for such a massive event.


While this theme was easy to follow, it’s no surprise that once again the Kardashians were boring and off-the-cuff. Here’s to hoping that one year, at least just one, they will try. The Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion exhibit will be on display from now until September 2nd, so if you can, take the time to visit some of these vintage pieces where they have been laid to rest and really understand how off some of the guests were this year.

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