Bear Facts Take First Place in American Scholastic Press Association Awards

For the last three years, Bear Facts Newspaper had been submitted to the American Scholastic Press Association’s newspaper competition. Competing on a national level, the group examines the quality of the school’s newspaper and how we present ourselves to our reading community. For those years, Bear Facts had consistently achieved a second place score. However, for the 2019-2020 school year, Bear Facts was awarded a first place score and cited for its “creativity and journalistic knowledge.” Under the advisement of Mrs. Cynthia Amuso and Mr. Robert LoAlbo, who co-founded the paper in 2015, they have developed what the AMSPA deemed “an excellent newspaper,” and for Ms. Amuso, that was the perfect note on which to retire. Taking over for her is Mrs. Kayla Corvino, who has already made a name for herself with this issue. We wish the 2020-2021 staff (right) good luck with this year’s competition!