The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

Creating Your Own Summer Opportunities

When none seem to come your way, go out and get them for yourself

How do you spend your summer? Do you spend it soaking up the sun every day? Hanging out with friends? Working on or procrastinating that one summer assignment that you only worry about a week before school starts? Well, summer can be all of those things. Despite some days that are wasted inside, there should be mostly exciting things that you do. Part of this includes working further towards your future aspirations. I know no one wants to think about school, but when it comes to what you want to be, it’s important to take even small steps in that direction. That’s why seeking opportunities for yourself, such as through summer immersion programs or internships, is so important.

Whether it’s something local or a travel program, these experiences are necessary for developing your skills, even as a young student. Aside from grades, colleges also look for the experiences that you choose to put on your application. You’re up against thousands, if not more, of students who all probably have similar interests and grades. What is something that will set you apart from the rest? Showing action towards your interests, giving back to your community, and pursuing opportunities. This alone will boost your chances of being selected for your top college or university.

Finding such opportunities will not necessarily come easily. Sometimes you may lack connections to land that “perfect” internship, or a certain program will turn out to be way over your budget. But using recommendations from guidance counselors or simply taking the time to do your research will greatly assist you in the application process. Volunteering, working, or participating in pre-college programs (such as those offered at Pace, NYU, etc.) specifically will be helpful. Applications for these programs start early, but once completed, you will definitely have a fun time. Good luck!

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