My Quinnipiac Love Story Part III: Saying Goodbye is Such Sweet Sorrow
June 13, 2019
It’s crazy to think I have only two more weeks left of high school. Reflecting back on these four years has been a journey in itself.
I feel like just yesterday I was touring BHS with other incoming freshmen, thinking, how will I ever find my way around this place? Fast forward through freshman year – yes, I survived and made it to sophomore year – I would say the highlight of those ten months include running year round and making new friends I never thought I’d have. Running was a major part of the beginning of my high school career. Although I didn’t end my high school career running, I still ruminate about the wonderful memories I made: trailing the endless hills at Camp Chen-A-Wanda, and the cold but unforgettable trips to the Armory.
In my Junior year I explored a different side of my nature and became a leader in Democratic Congress here at BHS. This decision is – by far – one of the most beneficial decisions I have ever made. I enjoyed the service element of Demo – it allowed me to discover a side of myself I wouldn’t have explored otherwise, a side of myself I’m glad I found. Being involved in Demo pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I now enjoy speaking to larger groups and organizing events that improve the culture of Brewster High School. Through Democratic Congress, I met people whom I will call forever friends.
My senior year has been the bow to tie together this wonderful gift. I decided to join the Varsity Swim Team, ran the Salty Hands club, and continued to advise Demo Congress: all wonderful opportunities that I couldn’t be more grateful for. I have learned something from all my pursuits in this high school and hope to use them in my future endeavors at Quinnipiac and beyond. While I am so excited about bringing what I have learned to college, I will miss the amazing friendships I have made here…and I am truly grateful for my four years at Brewster High School!