Ask Luna – Our Advice Column for Readers: Full-Time Learning, Career Advice, and APs
May 3, 2021
Dear Luna,
I’m really afraid of going back to school full-time. While I know it’ll help my grades and my focus, I worry that the virus will be able to spread really easily and we’ll be forced into a full-remote model again. I know it can be really dangerous, and I worry about putting people in danger. What are your thoughts?
Thank you,
Scared Student
Dear Scared Student,
I have a lot of those same fears, and while I can’t promise that everything will go perfectly, there are a few things that I feel confident about.
First of all, the CDC has expressed that if certain precautions are followed, reopening schools can be a safe process. Masks are remaining as a protocol, as is distancing. So while it seems intimidating, try to keep in mind that the CDC is saying that it can be okay!
Secondly, know that all of the adults in the building want to keep you safe. Even though it seems a bit risky knowing the way that the virus can affect people, the administration and teachers wouldn’t be doing this or consenting to this without feeling confident it can be done properly. Remember the beginning of the year? It seemed chaotic for the first few days because we needed practice, but we were able to create a fully-functioning and largely safe hybrid model. While it’s not perfect, and there was an occasional case, for the most part people were okay.
Lastly, I know one of the scariest things is trying to trust a bunch of random high school students to keep you safe. We’re unreliable for most things. However, I’d like to think that a majority of students understand the severity of this situation and thus a majority are working towards keeping each other safe.
Again, I know it’s not perfect. It’s not a promise, and nothing can be entirely reassuring in times as… different as these. However, most people want to keep each other safe right now. I really do believe that, and I hope you can too.
Dear Luna,
I’m a senior this year, and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I’ve been applying to all of my schools in science categories, but I really don’t know what I want to study or what career I want to pursue. It’s super stressful because all of my friends seem to know exactly what they want to do. How do I decide? How do I know?
Ambivalent Applicant
Dear Ambivalent Applicant,
From my understanding, this is a really common thing that college freshmen struggle with. Here’s a few things I’ve found from looking at different colleges, and some tips I can give you.
A lot of colleges have programs for undecided applicants. These programs give you the opportunity to explore a lot of different fields you might be interested in, and is a great way to introduce yourself to potential interests and career paths! Don’t be afraid to be a part of these programs; it is so much better to take your first year to explore and walk into a career you’ll be happy with than force yourself to choose early.
On a similar note, a lot of colleges won’t let you declare a major until your second year anyway. Even if you go into college undecided, it’s not like everyone will have a major except for you. While this rule doesn’t apply to every college, it is something to keep in mind.
Take advantage of co-op and internship programs. A lot of schools offer them, and I’ve heard a lot of stories about students who took an internship with what they thought they’d go into, only to find out it wasn’t exactly what they expected! Internships are a great way to test the waters and find out what you’re really interested in.
No matter what, you aren’t alone. A ton of students don’t know what they want to do, and even a lot of adults still don’t know. It’s often over stigmatized, and people think they need to know what to do as soon as they graduate, but that just isn’t true. The pressure is there, and it’s scary, but remember that people change their minds all the time and it is so hard to pick what to do, especially when you’re young. Embrace the exploration.
Dear Luna,
My first APs are coming up, and I’m so scared! I’ve been working hard all year, but the tests are really intimidating, especially considering we were hybrid for so long. I feel like there’s too much for me to remember! How do I cope with AP exams?
AP Amateur
Dear AP Amateur,
APs are really scary, no doubt. But keep in mind: you’ve been preparing for this all year! It’s definitely unlike any other test, I know, but it’s important to remember that your teachers know the curriculum and structure their lessons around it. It’s highly unlikely that, especially if you’ve been doing all the work, you’ve learned absolutely nothing. Something to remember about AP exams is that you don’t need to do perfectly to get a good score! You can get a three, four, or five even if you forget some info because there’s a certain range for each score. Even if you get some questions wrong, it’s not the end of the world because the test isn’t based on perfection: it’s based mostly on large concepts from the year.
Use the next few weeks to study, certainly, but try to relax in the days beforehand. Don’t try to cram everything. If you don’t know it the night before, you probably won’t be able to learn it. Trust the work you’ve been doing!
Love and luck,
Ask Luna (a pseudonym for this columnist) is an advice column to advise people on how to deal with their concerns and issues in the most positive way possible. I try my best to ensure that they will make decisions that will help them move forward on the right path. I hope you will write to me, in confidence, seeking my guidance. Just a reminder: I will not disclose any information sent to me. What you write will always remain anonymous. I encourage you to be creative with your usernames and send feedback so that this column will be successful in helping those who seek advice. You can email me at [email protected] or drop a note in our standing metal mailbox outside of the English office. I look forward to reading your letters.
PEDIR Luna es una columna de consejos para asesorar a las personas sobre cómo tratar mejor sus preocupaciones y problemas. Yo hago mi mejor esfuerzo para asegurarme que tu tomes la decicion correcta, ayudarte a avanzar de manera positiva. Yo espero que tu me escribas con confidencia, pidiendo mi ayuda. Un recordatorio, yo no voy a revelar ninguna información que me envies. Lo que tu escribas siempre va a ser anónimo. Te animo a que seas creativo con tus nombres de usuario y envíes comentarios para que esta columna sea exitosa para ayudar a quienes buscan consejos. Correo electrónico a [email protected].
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