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Brewster Bear Facts

Horoscopes for June 2024

As observed by in-house resident Astrologer and Stargazer Sophia Cozart
Photo courtesy Shutterstock

AriesMarch 21 to April 20 – This month will begin with a lot of creativity and wealth. Watch for new opportunities to show off your skills. It’s important to set goals for yourself so you can continue to push yourself. You may learn something new that can help you toward these goals. Stay positive and keep your self-esteem up because that will influence how you decide to pursue your goals.

TaurusApril 21 to May 21 – You will feel very empowered this month as new beginnings start and build up your confidence. Just remember to believe in yourself. This new-found confidence will give you the boost you need to walk a different path and try something new. It will seem easier to ask for what you want and put yourself out there because you feel more confident and positive.

GeminiMay 22 to June 20 – You may feel lots of different emotions this month, but it’s time to let go. It’s important to clear your mind for new things. Embrace those things because they will help you grow as a person. Find something stable in your life to ground yourself. It’s important to communicate what you feel. Although you can’t change what has happened, you can move forward.

CancerJune 21 to July 22 – You will be very social this month. You may strengthen old relationships and connections and make new ones with others. These connections are important because they will help you learn and grow. You have a stronger way of communicating with others and feel inspired to start new conversations because you want to share your ideas with everyone.

LeoJuly 23 to Aug. 22 – It’s a good time to show off your skills. People will be interested in you and the things you can do. You’ll feel encouraged to use your talents to help others and make them happy. Work with others and embrace your friendships, because when you team up with like-minded people, you can create new ideas. Don’t take on too many tasks at once; just relax.

VirgoAug. 23 to Sept. 22 – The month begins with expansion. You’ll feel the need to go out and seek knowledge and allow yourself to broaden your horizons, bringing new levels of excitement into your life. You’ll be stretching out of your comfort zone as you explore new people, places, and things. You’ll get closer to the people you know and make new connections as you try something new.

LibraSept. 23 to Oct. 22 – Your life now enters a time of transformation. It’s time to embrace change. It’s essential to dismantle old structures so you can experience something new. You’ll find yourself eager to learn more new things; you can learn a lot through active listening. As your skills develop, remember to share your wisdom. It’s important to teach and help others.

ScorpioOct. 23 to Nov. 21 – This month is about you, it’s time to take a break from all the work and people. You might find that you’re better off simply locating a quiet place and retreating from people. Let go of anything that no longer aligns with your values. By facing challenges head-on, you develop personal strength. Follow your intuition and trust that it will never lead you down the wrong path.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21 – Your life now begins with an invitation to love yourself. It’s time to put yourself first, taking care of your mind, body, and soul. When you show up for yourself, it’s easier to help others. Others can teach important lessons to you, so it’s a good time to listen. You have the power to build powerful alliances. Important agreements and collaborations could be in the works.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 – The month will be filled with inspiration. Feeling good is a priority as you take a lighthearted, playful approach to something new. A passion project comes to life as you feel the need to create something. Share this good energy with others. You’ll experience more happiness and satisfaction and it will bring you closer to them.

AquariusJan. 20 to Feb. 18 – It’s all about self-reflection. Your inner world is activated and you’re being called to listen to your heart. Your emotions and senses are heightened, which helps you learn what your deeper needs are. Give yourself permission to break free from outside pressure that hinders your ability to show up in your uniqueness.

PiscesFeb. 19 to March 20 – This month will be filled with powerful conversations and connections with others. You crave connection and deep conversation. Speaking your mind brings exciting opportunities for you to explore. Release responsibilities that stress you out and take the weight of the world off your shoulders. A new beginning is around the corner that will help you make connections.

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