Processed meats are quick, convenient, and tasty. It’s easy to grab a ham and cheese sandwich at the deli when running late, or a hot dog while exploring vendors at lunchtime. So easy, in fact, that we neglect to acknowledge that processed meats are classified as class one carcinogens, meaning they are linked to the development of cancer. Processed meats are joined by tobacco, radiation, alcohol, and asbestos in this category that displays the most dangerous substances having conclusively been proven to cause cancer in humans. And while having a slice of pepperoni pizza might not be as bad as smoking a cigarette, there are some significant health risks linked to both practices that aren’t commonly discussed in regard to processed meat.
Nitrates and nitrides are particularly dangerous substances that are added to processed meats for curing purposes. They serve to better preserve perishable foods and stop the growth of harmful, potentially deadly, microorganisms. But they also damage the cells that line the human bowel, which can lead to colorectal cancer. The World Health Organization estimates that 34,000 people die every year from cancer likely developed due to a diet high in processed meats. While the likelihood of health complications increases with the amount of processed meat consumed, experts cannot provide recommendations as to whether or not there is a safe amount of meat to eat.
Aside from the risk of colorectal cancer, processed meats are also known to cause other health complications. Salt is added to meat when processed for its preservation and overall taste. However, this increased amount of sodium causes the body to retain water, which in turn raises blood pressure. This process strains the heart, forcing it to work harder to pump blood throughout the body and causing a condition known as high blood pressure, which often leads to heart disease or failure if left untreated. The high saturated fat content in processed meat can also cause high cholesterol. This condition can become dangerous when bad cholesterol or LDL builds up in the arteries, creating plaques that lead to blockages. These developments are another common cause of heart disease, and often are additionally linked to heart attacks.
Processed meat has also been proven to increase the risk of developing type two diabetes. This condition can lead to several complications, including heart attack and stroke, and it occurs when the body becomes insulin-resistant or is unable to produce the chemical properly. Insulin is released by the pancreas and is a vital component in the process of lowering blood sugar levels. Processed meat has the potential to harm the pancreas, which can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer and negatively affect the production of insulin.
While we may find several foods that are delicious and convenient to eat in everyday life, including several processed meats, it’s important to note the dangers that are associated with their consumption. Knowing the risks linked to certain foods can allow us to make informed and mindful decisions about what we eat on a daily basis. Most foods are safe to eat in moderation, so maybe it’s best to save processed meats for special occasions and not regular meals.