VOTE! Our Sports Fields are Ready for an Upgrade

February 14, 2023
The future of Brewster athletics is in the hands of the community right now. The district is presenting a capital project to the voters for their approval on March 21, 2023. The capital project includes many upgrades to the district’s facilities, including a new field house with a fitness center, a new track with a turf field in the center, and a replacement turf field. If there are any voters in this community who are wondering whether these improvements will help improve Brewster sports and the lives of Brewster’s students, the answer is simple: YES!
Brewster’s existing athletic facilities are not sufficient for the number of teams and athletes we have. In every season, teams are fighting for time in the gym when the weather is bad or the fields are not ready for use. If you look at any neighboring high school, you will see that they have multiple gyms, multiple turf fields, and better quality weight rooms. Sports are not just about showing up to practice and playing in games anymore. Successful teams not only practice on the court or the field, but they use strength training and conditioning to improve their skills. We don’t currently have the space or the equipment to strength train the way we should be doing. Brewster athletes are regularly facing teams who have athletes that are fast enough, skilled enough, and strong enough to play their sport at the college level. Brewster needs to recognize that for our athletes to compete, we need to give them more and better training facilities and instill an attitude that Brewster can and will be better.
We need the support of our parents and community members to vote for the capital improvement project. If you are 18, make sure you are registered to vote so that you can support the capital improvement plan.
Margo will be attending the University of Albany in the fall to play D1 Lacrosse.