Career Skills Class Brings a Feeling of Togetherness for Us All

The Career Skills class poses with the administrators and staff who so wonderfully support their efforts.

Always the busy workers, the Career Skills Class took on several projects over the last two months to keep up morale in the building and let everyone know how appreciated they are.
In March, the Career Skills Class catered a special event for the faculty and staff. Mrs. Horler, Mrs. Cole and Mr. Rodriguez hired Handy Paws to create a “Thank You for Keeping Us A Float” themed treat, given out after a faculty meeting on the last Superintendent’s Conference Day. They made individual root beer float cups and magnets for each staff member to enjoy.
On the one year anniversary of being sent home due to the pandemic, the students wanted to thank the entire district for their service and for “Protecting the Bear Den.” They sent a special note to each staff, faculty, administrator and Board of Ed. member along with a car magnet. They also honored family members who were first responders and essential workers, sending out over 700 letters and magnets.
In April, Handy Paws was hired by the BHS Administrators to send off the teachers and staff with another “Thank You” before Spring Break. They created cards with decorative buttons saying..”Our BHS Staff are like Buttons…They hold everything together, Thank You!!!!”
And it’s the Career Skills who are holding everything together for all of us. Thanks for all you do!