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Brewster Bear Facts

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Brewster Bear Facts

Career Skills Wraps Up the Year and Celebrates The Fruits of Their Labors

“Busy” is the word of the month for the Career Skills program! Check out what they’ve been up to.

Food Prep and Animal Care The Animal Care Program at the Tilly Foster Farm has two adventurous CS students: Alexander Knight and Christian Pinel. The boys spent the spring exploring changes on the farm. They took hikes, caught fish and bullfrogs, and checked out the spring growth on the farm, learning about the animals and insects. In addition, Alex and Christian helped support community events like tours and luncheons by directing traffic and leading school tours.

The Culinary Program at Tilly’s Farm also added two aw

esome CS students: Max Michinko and Haley Riolo. They planted their own tomato plants and worked on BLT’s and turkey clubs sandwiches. Max helped with the dessert Flan and Haley made chocolate icing for a cake. They hosted luncheons and tour groups where they had an opportunity to not only showcase their culinary creations but also their customer service skills.

Recently, Matthew created a Mother’s Day cake for his mom with the Food Preparation Assistant Class at the Yorktown BOCES. He chose the type of cake he wanted to make and learned all about frosting and decorating. Next, he learned all about yeast and made pretzels and dinner rolls. He also learned to make ice cream, which was so easy and so delicious! Matthew’s final cooking test was making scrambled eggs.

Graduating Career Skills volunteers – Jarrid Bryggman has been a very dedicated volunteer for 2 1⁄2 years, volunteering daily and helping with everything from academics, to activities of daily living, to supporting Bear Essentials interns. Jarrid will be heading to the University of Florida where he will be a Pre-med student.

Carter DIneen has been a committed volunteer for 2 years. He dedicated his free periods to working with our students in the PAES lab and with Bear Essentials interns to help foster job skills for future employment. Carter will head to Clemson University where he will be in the Nursing Program.

Haley Francise has dedicated her time for two years. She also volunteers daily helping with everything from academics, to activities of daily living, to supporting the Bear Essentials Interns. Haley will be heading to Western Connecticut State University where she will study to be a Special Education Teacher.

BHS Unified Basketball – The amazing Unified Basketball team, coached by Coach Schneider and Coach Maslak, just completed their undefeated season. Teammates Max Michinko, Christian Pinel, Haley Riolo, Matthew Donofrio, AJ Palmer, Joseph Lala and Alexander Knight were joined by partners Jarrid Bryggman, Haley Francise, Joe Vaughn, and Nolan Strahley to complete the formidable team. Coach Schneider’s expertise in building strong defensive skills as well as an aggressive offense was quite evident throughout the season. During the season, the team faced and defeated Mahopac, North Salem, and John Jay Cross River. Christian Pinel scored a game high 26 points in the end of season tournament. Previously, Haley Riolo held the record game high score of 22 points. Thank you to all the fans who came out to cheer our team on!

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