The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

Guiding Us Through It All, Lo These Many Years

Giving help to so many lost students, Mrs. Huble is ready to guide herself to a beach.

One faculty member we have retiring from Brewster High School this year is the sweet and kind Angelina Huble. Her bubbly personality and pearly white smile will surely be missed in the guidance office and at the high school.

For fifteen years, Mrs. Huble was one of BHS’s clerical advisers in the guidance department. If you needed working papers, transcripts, or someone to talk to college representatives for you, she was your go-to person. Her work in guidance has helped many students more than they know and has had such an impact on the futures of many Brewster students.

After closing this chapter of her life, Mrs. Huble plans to open a new one with her family. She has plenty of travel plans lined up, including visiting her children and grandchildren after the school year comes to a close. Additionally, she plans to take a more tropical approach to retirement by visiting the gorgeous country of Costa Rica in February 2025, contributing to her goal of being a “professional sunset watcher.”

Though her post-retirement plans are quite exciting, Mrs. Huble will deeply miss Brewster and everything it has given her. Her time in the district has been very rewarding for her and has taught her so much. One thing she will take away from her lovely time at Brewster is to “always stay true to you,”  and she encourages everyone else to do the same.

Bear Facts wishes Mrs. Huble a wonderful family-filled retirement filled with travel and memorable sunsets.

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