Who’s got opinions? We do! This issue we tackle some controversial ones on everyday subjects.
USELESS – Ally: There are a lot of reasons why I believe making the bed is useless. Firstly, it’s very time-consuming, it’s a chore that takes up all your time, especially if you’re in a rush in the morning. Secondly, making your bed is only temporary. The bed that took a lot of time and effort will then get unmade again at night. So what’s the point of making the bed if it doesn’t last? Thirdly, I believe that a bed is more comfortable when unmade. This allows you to crawl into your bed without having to worry about keeping your sheets and blankets neatly tucked in. Lastly, an unmade bed allows for ventilation. This then allows your sheet and mattress to air out, which is beneficial for preventing dust mites and reducing moisture.
USEFUL – Bella: I whole-heartedly believe that making your bed is a necessary part of your morning. However, this may just be because I make my bed in a way where I can sleep and have it still be made easily. Nonetheless, it is a form of keeping your space clean and tidy, which in turn makes your daily life more organized in general. Keeping your bed unmade represents a messy lifestyle and it reflects what is going on in your mind. For me, if my bed is made that is one less crazy thing in my life and mind. It, in a way, eases up my nerves and stress and gives me a sense of control.
Math=Red – Ally: My defense on why red is math because it is a very vibrant and intense color. This could represent the challenging and attention-demanding nature of the subject. Also, red is usually used for grading and correction, which ties in with math, traditionally, because I believe that teachers correct the most in this subject.
Bella: I believe that math corresponds with the color red for several reasons. One main point being the general feeling both the color and the subject give me. For example, red is one of my least favorite colors due to its eerie feel, reminding me of blood, while math is also one of my least favorite subjects, and, although I consider myself relatively good at it, it does not make sense in my mind and makes me feel in all kind of negative ways. Another reason why the color of math, in my opinion, is red is because whenever teachers grade my quizzes or tests in math class specifically, they use a red pen to mark the grade and any mistakes on my paper. This helps the color red stick out in my mind when I think of mathematics as a subject.
History=Yellow – Ally: Yellow is History for many reasons. My main reason is when I think of the past, it usually involves paper (older paper is usually tinted yellow). Another reason why is because the sand in a desert is ordinarily yellow. Some of these deserts are Sahara, Govi, and Kalahari. This is related to history because you learn about these landmarks.
Bella: I believe that yellow is the color of history because of how it ties itself into many aspects of historical events or time periods. For instance, in time periods like Ancient Egypt or during the use of the Indian Ocean trade network gold was a major part of these areas, yellow being the relative color of this material.
Science=Green – Ally: When you think of an experiment you usually think of a green liquid, right? This adds up to why I think Science is green. Also, the land on earth is usually green (examples: grass, plants, etc). For instance, when you walk outside usually the first color you would see is in fact green.
Bella: I disagree and firmly believe that Science correlates to the color blue. This is an opinion that I feel very strongly about. I have one major point on why and it is one word: water. Water is blue. Water takes up about 71% of the earth’s surface. The Earth is a significant part of Science, being the main focus in courses like Living Environment or EARTH Science. Also, water is used in much of the experiments that we do in classes like Chemistry. Water is also made up of compounds used on the periodic table, these being hydrogen and Oxygen. As well, the chemical formula for water is known as H2O, which is a triatomic compound.
English=Blue – Ally: Now for English, I believe this subject is in fact blue. Blue is often associated with calmness and clarity, which is fitting with this subject that involves reading and writing. Other than that I don’t really have another reason but that I have always felt like blue is English.
Bella: No, I feel that English is Green as a color. Now I’ll be honest, this is purely due to the fact that out of the main colors, Green is the only one left. I do feel like for some odd reason it strangely fits very well because out of all of these colors green is my favorite, and English happens to be my favorite subject.
NO – Ally: I think sleeping with socks on is unnecessary. It only leads to sweaty feet. If you sweat at night, it could trap the moisture in your socks. This means that bacteria and fungi could thrive more on your feet. Sleeping without socks lets your feet breathe and stay dry through the night. Also, wearing tight socks to sleep can restrict blood circulation, while sleeping without them gives your feet more freedom and relaxation.
YES – Bella: I have been sleeping with socks since I was at most 5 years old and think that it is the best way to sleep. This is because limbs such as your hands and your feet get coldest the easiest and socks prevent this from happening. Warm feet also signal your brain that it is time to go to sleep, resulting in you falling asleep quicker, improving the amount of time sleeping and the quality of your sleep. Keeping your feet warm can also improve blood circulation throughout your whole body.
COLD – Ally: I think cold is better than hot for many reasons. First, I think cold food is better. These foods include ice cream, cakes, pasta/potato salads, and more. Also when you’re having a drink after a hot summer would you rather have a nice cool drink or a hot drink? Moreover, when it’s cold outside you could at least escape the cold by putting on more layers. But, when it’s hot outside it’s harder to escape because once you can’t get rid of any more clothes, you’re stuck being hot. Another reason is sleeping in a cold room is better in my opinion. I think it helps me fall asleep faster and I usually have longer naps when I’m in a cold room.
HOT – Bella: I prefer the hot over the cold any day, this applies for all aspects. For example, hot food is so much better than cold food. There is not a food that exists that if it can be hot without changing its state of matter is bad. You may say ice cream, but let’s be honest, melted ice cream is really just a watered down milkshake, and who doesn’t like milkshakes? (Unless you’re lactose intolerant, which in that case, I guess you wouldn’t.) Also, being hot is much better than being cold because when you are hot you can simply drink some water or go in the pool or do one of the many activities that exists for hot weather. When you are cold, on the other hand, all you can do is put on as many layers as possible and try to find a position where you can actually be comfortable and not feel suffocated. Even when you do bundle up there is this internal chill in your body from the previous cold feeling, so are you really even warm? And think about it, whenever you are hot, are you ever wishing you were cold? The answer is no, you are just wishing for something slightly room cooler, like room temperature. However, when you are cold, you are reaching for the hottest drink possible to get rid of that chilliness like hot chocolate or tea/coffee. Lastly, I feel that sleeping in a hotter room is better because as long as you have a cold pillow that is all that matters. Between the nice cold pillow and the fan that is blowing air into your face you will be cooled down in no time.
NO – Ally: There are multiple reasons why money can’t buy happiness. One is that while money can certainly buy basic needs (food, shelter, healthcare, etc), but it can’t fulfill emotions, love, friendships, and a sense of belonging/purpose. Also, money can’t fix mental health issues. People often require more than financial stability. Furthermore, having money can lead to an increase in stress and responsibility. Managing a large amount of money or maintaining a high standard of living can be very difficult and detract some from overall happiness. Even though money is nice to have, true happiness comes from your loved ones and not from a piece of paper.
YES – Bella: I feel that money can buy happiness for several reasons. For instance, money can buy happiness by covering basic needs and providing comfort/reducing stress. It lets you enjoy enriching experiences and opportunities that bring joy. Financial stability offers security and freedom, cutting down on anxiety. Plus, having money allows you to be generous to your friends and family and help others, boosting your sense of purpose and happiness. To add on, financial stability reduces stress and anxiety by ensuring basic needs like housing, food, and healthcare are met, providing security and peace of mind. It also allows access to mental health resources such as therapy or medicine and enjoyable activities.