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The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

The Official Newspaper Website of Brewster High School

Brewster Bear Facts

With Lots of Down Time – So What’s So Special about Summer?

Everything. The answer is everything.

We all know that summer is special, not just for the time off from school that it gives us but also for the warm days outside, tanning in the sun, swimming at the beach, and spending time with friends and family. This warm season that thaws us out of our winter hibernation is most people’s favorite time of year, but why? What truly makes summer this amazingly special season that everyone loves and looks forward to?

What is your answer when someone asks you what your favorite season is? Do you say summer or spring? Winter or fall? I don’t think I know what I’d say because I love every season. But I have to admit, my favorite season right now, as cool weather disappears behind sunny rays and the school year comes to a tortuously slow end, is summer. That balmy heat that carries in summery clothes and visits to the beach… it’s all that’s on mine and everyone else’s minds—well, save for the space that’s filled by worries about final exams and the scores that follow close behind them. So, whether your favorite season is spring or fall, winter or summer, for now, we will hand over the spotlight to summer and all of the aspects that make it the special and lovable season that it is!

First, let’s think back to last summer and all the summers before that. Okay, now think about some of your favorite memories from those summers. Mine might have to be the annual trip that my family and I have taken with our family friends every summer, where we rent a house for a week and explore the surrounding areas. I love these trips, always have, and look forward to them every year. This summer, we’re going to Maine! Anyway, enough about me. Now that you’ve thought of your favorite summer memories, whether they are yearly vacations or simple beach or pool days, you now know why summer is special. Granted, it may just be a season, but it’s a season filled with smiles and endless laughter; this is why summer is special, along with a few other things that we will delve into below!

There is no award out there stating that summer is the best season and that all other seasons are irrelevant (well, at least not that I know of). But when those warm months are upon us, it’s next to impossible to actually hate them. How could we dislike those sizzling days basking in the summer sun or the long, gratifying visits to the beach? The answer is that we couldn’t!

The things that make summer special are both the memories that we create and the small things that we can only do in those few months! Like park picnics, time off of school, the ability to pull out all of our favorite summery clothes, week-long trips or day trips, and, of course, ice cream (which, I know, can be eaten year-round, but there is nothing like a cup of cold ice cream on a steaming ninety-degree day). Summer gives us the chance to not only relax on pool floats all day but also try new things with friends and family. Though I know that most students will be spending a better part of their summer working (internal sigh), weekends and days off will always be available to do the summery things of summer like hiking, enjoying fruity drinks, and (drum roll please) driving with the windows down!

Summer is a season like no other: we have time off from school, the opportunity to enjoy long days without thoughts of homework or finals crossing our minds, and the chance to kick back and do the things that we love. So enjoy it! Go outside, read that book that you haven’t had time to read, spend time with friends and family, sleep in (because I think we’ve all definitely missed that), and travel.

Summer is special because we make it special; we make it fun, memorable, enjoyable, and exciting. So take a moment to browse through these next couple of pages and see if something connects with you. There are so many summer opportunities that await

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